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Revenge Stories #26

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Revenge Stories #26

Me and a friend of mine had a friend that we really had grown very warry of. It was nothing he did specifically other than constantly being a jerk. I mean all the time in the worst ways. We had enough.

He had a crush on a girl that lived near my other friend and had finally got a date with her, and he never, ever went on a date.

He had to park on the street and it wasn't in good view of the house. My friend's Father hunts, and he got a full bottle of deer urine. Trust me, it is the strongest worst smelling thing ever. Just a few drops will smell for days.

Knowing he'd leave his door unlocked, we went to the truck and we poured a whole bottle, like 6 ounces, all over his seat and floor, and then got away.

It was rather hot and the windows were up so it had to have made it stronger. They didn't come back out for like an hour. We were patiently watching from a distance. We couldn't really hear them but it was a good sight. He got really mad and made a fool out of himself.

He told us what happened and threatened to kill whoever did it. He never found out. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen, and it completely ruined his chances with this girl. It was sweet revenge.


(James, that was great! A very creative way to get the revenge on the jerk. I have actually smelled deer urine-- and for those out there who do not know, it really does smell totally disgusting! Keep up the good work!--

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